
Usage of each Rebar3 command.

Each command represents a task which runs one or more providers to fulfill the task.


List aliases’ definitions (from rebar.config).

Example output:

test=eunit,ct --suite=rebar_alias_SUITE,cover


Higher order task which takes a profile name and list of tasks to run under that profile.


After ensuring all dependencies are available, and fetching them if they are not, compile will compile the needed dependencies and the project’s apps’ .app.src and .erl files.

Option Type Description
-d/--deps_only none Only compile dependencies, no project apps will be built



Since version 3.23.0

Generates a completion file for one of the supported shells: bash, zsh.

Completion files can be generated based on the project setup, so autocompletion also works for all plugins used in the project, not just for default providers.

To use generated completion files run source path/to/generated/file.

Option Type Description
-a/--aliases Comma separated list of strings OS level aliases on which rebar3 completion will be triggered (e.g. "rebar, r3")
-f/--file string Completion file name. If not absolute, it’s relative to the _build/<profile>/ directory
-s/--shell atom Specify type of the completion file. By default it is autodected using $SHELL variable. Valid values are bash and zsh.


zsh specific requirement

Make sure that autoload -Uz compinit; compinit is called in .zshrc file.

For better user experience, set default autocompletion and override it when needed. Default autocompletion can be set by generating a global completion file and loading it in .bashrc or .zshrc.

To generate a global (project-independent) completion file run rebar3 completion --file path/to/global/completion/file outside a rebar3 project.


Removes compiled BEAM files from apps.

The clean command by default removes the BEAM files for top-level applications. It does so while respecting profiles, which means that ‘rebar3 clean’ will only clean the default profile, and ‘rebar3 as test clean’ will only clean the test profile.

Option Type Description
--all/-a none Clean all apps, including the dependencies
--apps Comma separated list of strings Clean a specific list of apps or dependencies
--profile/-p string Specify a profile (alternative to rebar3 as clean)


Runs common tests for the project located under the test/ directory.

Most Common Test options as described in the Erlang documentation for ct_run are available. Some common ones are described below:

Option Type Description
--dir Comma separated list of strings Compile and run all test suites in the specified directories.
--suite Comma separated list of strings Compile and run all test suites specified. Must be specified by full path, either absolute or relative to the current directory.
--group Comma separated list of strings Test groups to run. See the Common Test Documentation.
--case Comma separated list of strings List of test cases to run. See the Common Test Documentation.
--spec Comma separated list of strings List of Test Specifications
--join_specs Comma separated list of strings Like --spec but merges all the specifications into one and does a single run.
--repeat Integer How often to repeat the tests
--duration String (format: HHMMSS) Max allowed duration of the test run
--until String (format: HHMMSS) Time until which to run the tests
--force_stop true | false | skip_rest Force termination on test timeout
--multiply_timetraps Integer Extends the timeout values for tests by a given multiplier value
--scale_timetraps Boolean Enables automatic timeout value scaling, when using code coverage or tracing
--abort_if_missing_suites Boolean Abort the test run if a test suite is missing (Default: true)
--sys_config String List of OTP application config files (like sys.config) that should be applied by Rebar3 before the test run.
--config Comma separated list of strings Config files to use when running tests. See the [Common Test Documentation.](
--allow_user_terms Boolean Allow user defined config values in config files. See the Common Test Documentation.
--decrypt_key String If the configuration file is encrypted, set the key to decrypt it
--decrypt_file String If the configuration file is encrypted, point to the file containing the key to decrypt it
--logdir String The directory in which test logs will be written. See the Common Test Documentation.
Default: _build/test/logs
--logopts Comma separated list of strings Set common test logging options. See the Common Test Documentation.
Default: _build/test/logs
--readable Boolean Adds test names with results on a per-test basis, and only displays common-test logs in the terminal on failing tests.
Default: true
--verbose, -v Boolean Enable verbose output. Default: false
--verbosity Integer Set the level of Common Test verbosity
--cover, -c Boolean Generate cover data
--cover_export_name String Change the name of the code coverage file
--label String Set a test label
--basic_html Boolean show basic HTML
--stylesheet String CSS stylesheet to apply to HTML output
--create_priv_dir auto_per_run | auto_per_tc | manual_per_tc change the behaviour of the private (scratch) directories creation done by Common Test
--include String Additional directories containing include files. Option added for parity with ct_run, usually rebar3 should take care of include file paths
--name, --sname String Start a distributed node with a given name
--setcookie String Set a value for the distributed cookie
--compile_only Boolean Compile the project with the test configuration specified, but without running the tests

Runs in the test profile.


Performs coverage analysis on modules called by Common Test or Eunit test suites. Call as rebar3 do ct, cover, rebar3 do eunit, cover or the combination of both with rebar3 do eunit, ct, cover while the {cover_enabled, true} option is in your rebar config file, or if the cover flags were used with these commands individually.

An HTML report is generated.

Option Type Description
-m, --min_coverage Integer Mandate a coverage percentage required to succeed (0..100)
--reset, -r none Resets all cover data
--verbose, -v none Prints coverage analysis in the terminal.

Specific modules can be blacklisted from code coverage by adding {cover_excl_mods, [Modules]} to the config file. Specific applications can be blacklisted by adding {cover_excl_apps, [AppNames]} to the config file.


Lists dependencies, whether they’re source or package dependencies, and whether they’re locked or not. Those that are locked but not matching the lock file are followed by an asterisk (*).


Higher order provider for running multiple tasks in a sequence, separated by commas. Example: rebar3 do a, b, c.


Builds and keeps up-to-date a suitable PLT (Persistent Lookup Table), and uses it to carry out success typing analysis on the current project.

Option Type Description Default
--incremental, -i boolean Enable incremental analysis mode. false
--update-plt, -u boolean Enable updating the PLT. true
--succ-typings, -s boolean Enable success typing analysis. true

For instructions on suppressing warnings read the Requesting or Suppressing Warnings in Source Files section of the Dialyzer documentation.

PLT files are named <prefix>_<otp_release>_plt; The base PLT is a PLT containing the core applications often required for a project’s PLT. One base PLT is created per OTP version and stored in base_plt_location. A base PLT is then used to build project PLTs.

The following (optional) configurations can be added to a proplist of options dialyzer in rebar.config:

Option Description
warnings a list of dialyzer warnings
get_warnings display warnings when altering a PLT file (boolean)
plt_apps the strategy for determining the applications which are included in the PLT file, top_level_deps to include just the direct dependencies or all_deps to include all nested dependencies (the direct dependent applications are listed in applications and included_applications of their .app files.)
plt_extra_apps a list of applications to include in the PLT file (the applications in base_plt_apps will already be in the list)
plt_location the location of the PLT file, local to store in the profile’s base directory (default) or a custom directory.
plt_prefix the prefix to the PLT file, defaults to “rebar3”
base_plt_apps a list of applications to include in the base PLT file
base_plt_location the location of base PLT file, global to store in $HOME/.cache/rebar3 (default) or a custom directory
base_plt_prefix the prefix to the base PLT file, defaults to “rebar3”
incremental incremental analysis mode


Generates documentation using doc.

Runs in the docs profile.


Generates an escript executable containing the project’s and its dependencies’ BEAM files.

Config Option Type Description
escript_main_app atom Name of the application to turn to an escript. Defaults to the top-level app if there is only one. When using an umbrella repository (with multiple top-level apps), this value must be specified.
escript_name string Name of the generated escript, and default module name to boot (Module:main(_)). Defaults to the value for escript_main_app
escript_incl_apps list of atoms List of applications to include in the escript archive aside from the main app and its dependencies (from the app file). Defaults to []
escript_emu_args string Escript emulator arguments (after %%! in escript declarations). The string must begin with %%! and end with a line break. An example string would be "%%! +sbtu +A0\n". The Default value is "%%! -escript main MainApp\n"
escript_shebang string Location of escript file to run. Defaults to "#!/usr/bin/env escript\n". The end of line marker must be included in the string.
escript_comment string Arbitrary comment to put into the generated escript. Must include a newline marker at the end. Defaults to %%\n.

To override the default module name for the escript (which is expected to be the same as the escript_name), add -escript main Module to escript_emu_args.

Example escript configuration from relx:

{escript_emu_args, "%%! +sbtu +A0 -noinput\n"}.
{escript_incl_apps, [getopt, erlware_commons, bbmustache, providers, relx]}.


Runs EUnit tests on project apps.

Config Option Type Description
--application Comma separated list of strings Application test suites to run. Equivalent to [{application, App}]
-c, --cover Boolean Generate cover data. Defaults to false
--cover_export_name String Base name of the coverdata file to write
-p, --profile Boolean Show the slowest tests. Defaults to false
-d, --dir Comma separated list of strings Dirs to load tests from. Equivalent to [{dir, Dir}]
-f, --file Comma separated list of strings Files to load tests from. Equivalent to [{file, File}]
-m, --module Comma separated list of strings Modules to load tests from. Equivalent to [{module, Module}]
-t, --test Comma separated list of strings Tests to run. The format is Module:Func1+Func2. Equivalent to [{test, Module, Function}]
-g, --generator Comma separated list of strings Generators to load tests from. The format is Module:Func1+Func2. Equivalent to [{generator, Module, Function}].
-v, --verbose Boolean Verbose output. Defaults to false.
--name String Gives a long name to the node
--sname String Gives a short name to the node
--sys_config Comma separated list of strings List of application config files
--setcookie String Sets the cookie if the node is distributed

For more details, see EUnit.

Runs in the test profile.



Not Required

Unlike Rebar 2 this command is not required for fetching dependencies. The compile command will result in dependencies being fetched and then built if they aren't already. This command is useful if you have a specific use case that requires fetching dependencies separate from compilation.

Fetch project dependencies.


Displays a list of tasks or help for a given task or subtask.

Option Description
<task> Task to print help for.
<namespace> <task> Task within <namespace> to print help for


Creates a new project from templates. See a list of available templates by providing no arguments.

Option Description
--force, -f Overwrite existing files.
help <template> Display all variables and arguments for each template


Print paths to build dirs in current profile.

Option Type Description
--app Comma separated list of strings Comma separated list of applications to return paths for.
--base none Return the base path of the current profile.
--bin none Return the bin path of the current profile.
--ebin none Return all ebin paths of the current profile’s applications.
--lib none Return the lib path of the current profile.
--priv none Return the priv path of the current profile.
--separator, -s string In case of multiple return paths, the separator character to use to join them.
--src none Return the src path of the current profile’s applications.
--rel none Return the rel path of the current profile.


Builds release of project. Call rebar3 help release for arguments.


Creates a relup from two releases that were already built by calling rebar3 release without clearing the _build directory. Call rebar3 help relup for arguments.


Generates contextual data to include in bug reports.


Runs a shell with project apps and deps in path. Intended for development use only; use Releases for production.

Option Type Description
--config string Allows to load a config file, if any. Defaults to the sys_config entry defined for relx if present.
--name, --sname atom Starts the node in network mode. Equivalent to erl’s -name and -sname options.
--setcookie string Sets the cookie for a distributed node. Equivalent to erl’s -setcookie option.
--script string path to an escript to be evaluated before applications are started.
--apps string Comma-separated list of application names to be booted. Defaults to the apps in the relx release if present.
--start-clean When specified, no apps are booted by the shell; useful to override release or shell tuple configurations in rebar.config.
--relname, -r atom If multiple releases are present, specify which one to pick.
--relvsn, -v string If multiple releases are present, specify which version to use.
--env-file string Path to file of os environment variables to setup before expanding vars in config files.
--user_drv_args string For versions of Erlang prior to 26, this option can be used to pass arguments to the user_drv start function for creating custom shells. Starting with Erlang 26, the arguments defined with this option are applied to the shell start_interactive function.
--eval string Erlang expressions to execute during startup. These will run last, just before presenting the user with the Erlang shell prompt. There can be more than one --eval switch. Roughly equivalent to erl’s -eval option.

The shell booted with this command has a running agent that allows running Rebar3 commands dynamically, such as r3:compile() or r3:upgrade(), and have new modules automatically reloaded. Specific namespaces can be reached by calling r3:do(Namespace, Command). No arguments can be passed to these commands.


Builds a compressed tar archive of release built of project. Call rebar3 help tar for arguments.


Prints a tree of dependencies and transitive dependencies of the project.

Option Type Description
-v, --verbose none Print repo and branch/tag/ref for git and hg deps


Get unbuilt dependencies to be added to the rebar.lock file. They will just have been downloaded, but none of their build script should have run. Though this is not necessarily true with pre/post hooks and dep plugins.


Unlocks dependencies. Specify a comma separated list of dependencies to unlock and regenerate the rebar.lock file, or -a,--all to unlock them all and remove the rebar.lock file.

This command should be used when one or more dependencies have been taken out of rebar.config, but remain in the lock file.

Option Type Description
<dependency> string Dependencies to unlock (comma-separated).
-a, --all none Unlock all dependencies.


Updates the package index.


Takes the current dependency specifications in rebar.config and fetches the most up-to-date versions satisfying them, while updating the lock file accordingly.

Option Type Description
<dependency> string Dependencies to upgrade (comma-separated).
-a, --all none Upgrade all dependencies.


Prints version for rebar3 and current Erlang.


Runs cross reference analysis.

Last modified March 10, 2024: docs for completion_prv (4e75dd1)